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Monday, December 20, 2010

Foto terbaik TIME 2010, dari Sepak bola hingga kematian

Unclaimed Dead
Photographed by James Nachtwey / VII for TIME
Outside of the wall of the cemetery in Port-au-PrinceRead more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz1896AQCtv

Tahun 2010 akan segera berlalu, tidak terasa satu tahun penuh dengan momen akan kita lewati bersama. Majalah TIME, sebuah majalah terkemuka kelas dunia dan menjadi salah satu barometer fotografi jurnalistik akhirnya merilis foto yang dianggap bisa mewakili peristiwa yang terjadi sepanjang tahun 2010.

Momen apa yang bisa teman-teman ingat selama tahun ini? Tidak bisa dipungkiri peristiwa olahraga sepak bola terbesar di dunia yang digelar setiap empat tahun sekali, Piala Dunia 2010 akan menjadi momen yang pasti diingat. Gelaran pesta akbar sepak bola tersebut diadakan di Afrika Selatan.

Namun ternyata dari 29 foto yang dibeberkan, kegembiraan dan keriaan sepak bola hanya terpilih 2 bingkai. Lainnya? kembali ke soal kesedihan, perang, dan juga bencana. Peristiwa seperti ini seakan menjadi langganan foto-foto terbaik yang bisa disajikan kepada masyarakat dunia dibelahan kota manapun.

TIME memilih foto pembuka Presiden OBAMA, satu tahun dalam masa kerjanya:

President Obama: One Year in Office
Photographed by Callie Shell / Aurora for TIME
“I think we’ve done a pretty good job of working in this town without being completely consumed by it,” the President said in an interview with TIME on Jan. 15.Read more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz1894jOSqA

Bencana gempa bumi di Haiti:

Earthquake in Haiti
Photographed by Shaul Schwarz / Reportage / Getty Images for TIME
Haitians try to restart their lives as they settle into temporary shelter at a refugee camp in Port-au-Prince on Jan. 18.

Read more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz1896tEHMa

World Cup in South Africa
Photographed by Dominic Nahr / Reportage / Getty Images for TIME
A group of boys play soccer beneath power lines near the newly built Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg.

Read more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz1898CjVUG

New Stadium
Photographed by Dominic Nahr / Reportage / Getty Images for TIME
Fans watch two local teams during the first match to be played in Soccer City Stadium.

Read more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz1898RcQTr

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Photographed by Peter van Agtmael / Magnum for TIME
The waters near Venice, La., in June, more than two months after the Deepwater Horizon oil-rig explosion spewed millions of tons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico

Read more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz1898nXIcA

Southern Sudan
Photographed by Cedric Gerbehaye / Magnum Foundation / Agence VU
A Dinka boy burns cow patties for protection from insects. The region is bracing for a referendum vote in January 2011 that would create an independent Southern Sudan.

Read more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz1899oMmS5

Iraq War U.S. Troop Drawdown
Photographed by Yuri Kozyrev / NOOR for TIME
Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry await takeoff in the plane that will bring them home.

Read more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz189BvSeHc

Floods in Pakistan
Photographed by Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images
A man walks through a flooded street in Nowshera. Floodwaters displaced tens of thousands of people in northwestern Pakistan.Read more:,29307,2036245,00.html#ixzz189Cd7WEn

Demikian beberapa cuplikan foto terbaik versi Majalah TIME selama tahun 2010. Untuk menyimak foto lainnya bisa dilihat di:,29307,2036245,00.html

Oleh : Purwo Subagiyo ,

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