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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Selamat tinggal, Snapchat? Instagram meniru fitur Snapchat dengan Instagram Stories

CEO Instagram mengaku bahwa fitur baru ini memang terinspirasi Snapchat Stories: "Snapchat berhak mendapatkan penghargaan." 

FITUR BARU. Instagram meluncurkan Instagram Stories, Rabu, 2 Agustus. Foto dari blog Instagram.
FITUR BARU. Instagram meluncurkan Instagram Stories, Rabu, 2 Agustus. Foto dari blog Instagram. 
Instagram meluncurkan fitur baru Instagram Stories, yang memungkinkan pengguna "berbagi semua momen dari hari" mereka dalam foto dan video yang disajikan dalam format slideshow. Foto dan video ini akan hilang setelah 24 jam.

Fitur ini sangat mirip dengan fitur sebuah aplikasi mobile lain: Snapchat. Dengan Snapchat Stories, pengguna juga dapat berbagi foto dan video yang akan hilang setelah tidak lebih dari 24 jam.

Instagram mengumumkan fitur baru ini dalam blognya, Selasa, 2 Agustus.

"Today, we’re introducing Instagram Stories, a new feature that lets you share all the moments of your day, not just the ones you want to keep on your profile. As you share multiple photos and videos, they appear together in a slideshow format: your story. With Instagram Stories, you don’t have to worry about overposting. Instead, you can share as much as you want throughout the day — with as much creativity as you want. You can bring your story to life in new ways with text and drawing tools. The photos and videos will disappear after 24 hours and won’t appear on your profile grid or in feed. You’ll see stories from people you follow in a bar at the top of your feed — from your best friends to your favorite popular accounts. When there’s something new to see, their profile photo will have a colorful ring around it. To view someone’s story, just tap on their profile photo. It’s easy to view stories at your own pace: tap to go back and forward or swipe to jump to another person’s story. If you want to comment on something you see, you can tap and send a private message to that person on Instagram Direct. Unlike regular posts, there are no likes or public comments. Your story follows the privacy settings of your account. If you set your account to private, your story is visible only to your followers. However, you can also easily hide your entire story from anyone you don’t want to see it, even if they follow you. When watching your own story, swipe up to check out who’s seen each photo and video. You can even choose to feature a particular part of your story by posting it on your profile. Instagram has always been a place to share the moments you want to remember. Now you can share your highlights and everything in between, too. Instagram Stories will be rolling out globally over the next few weeks on iOS and Android. To learn more, check out  "

Dalam interview degan TechCrunch, CEO Instragram, Kevin Systrom secara terbuka mengaku bahwa Instagram Stories bukan sesuatu yang orisinil dan memang menyerupai Snapchat Stories. "Mereka (Snapchat) berhak mendapatkan penghargaan."

"Ini bukan soal siapa yang pertama kali membuat sebuah inovasi," lanjut Systrom. "tapi bagaimana kamu menerapkan inovasi tersebut secara tepat ke dalam produk yang kamu miliki."

Masih harus dilihat bagaimana fitur baru ini akan mempengaruhi dunia media sosial. Apakah Instagram Stories akan memakan pengguna Snapchat? Tulis pendapatmu di kotak komentar di bawah ini

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